The fruitbody of a fungus in this sub-group has teeth or spines on the underside. The teeth or spines are of uniform size and shape. If you see teeth of varied shapes check the pored/maze-like species of the previous sub-group.
The fruitbodies of Pseudohydnum, grey on top and with white teeth below, have a jelly-like consistency.
In dry conditions Pseudohydnum fruitbodies may lose their jelly-like nature and feel quite firm.
Sometimes you may need to use a magnifying glass or handlens to check whether you have a fruitbody with densely-packed teeth or one with tiny pores.
Hi All,Busy times at the moment for the team.NatureMapr is critical "nature positive" infrastructure for a nation that values it's biodiversity in the year 2025.Thanks to important support from our ma...
IMPORTANT NatureMapr Data Collector 6.2.0 mobile app update
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