
I am a Youth worker, Horticulturist, Librarian, Homeopath, Dad, Husband and Nature lover. I love Australia's wild spaces and I am a member of FOG and ACT Herpetological Association.

Page 1 of 56 - image sightings only

Ranunculus inundatus (River Buttercup) at Wollogorang, NSW - 19 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Onopordum acanthium (Scotch Thistle) at Collector, NSW - 17 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Carex appressa (Tall Sedge) at Collector, NSW - 17 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Acacia decurrens (Green Wattle) at Collector, NSW - 17 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Acacia dealbata (Silver Wattle) at Collector, NSW - 17 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Eucalyptus dives at Collector, NSW - 17 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Eucalyptus dives at Collector, NSW - 17 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Euphorbia lathyris (Caper Spurge) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Acacia decurrens (Green Wattle) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Arctotheca calendula (Capeweed, Cape Dandelion) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Fumaria muralis subsp. muralis (Wall Fumitory) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Rytidosperma sp. (Wallaby Grass) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Leucojum aestivum (Summer Snowflake or Snowbell) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Agapanthus praecox subsp. orientalis (Agapanthus) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Yucca aloifolia (Spanish Bayonet) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Acacia brownii (Heath Wattle) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Daviesia latifolia (Hop Bitter-Pea) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Diuris pardina (Leopard Doubletail) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Iris germanica (Tall Bearded Iris) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Grevillea rosmarinifolia subsp. rosmarinifolia (Rosemary Grevillea) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Centrolepis strigosa (Hairy Centrolepis) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Hydrocotyle laxiflora (Stinking Pennywort) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Leucopogon muticus (Blunt Beard-heath) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Lomandra longifolia (Spiny-headed Mat-rush, Honey Reed) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Cassytha pubescens (Devil's Twine) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Pimelea linifolia subsp. linifolia (Queen of the Bush, Slender Rice-flower) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Persoonia linearis (Narrow-leaved Geebung) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Themeda triandra (Kangaroo Grass) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Gazania sp. (A Gazania) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Acacia decurrens (Green Wattle) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Ajuga australis (Austral Bugle) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Bossiaea buxifolia (Matted Bossiaea) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Diuris pardina (Leopard Doubletail) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Diuris pardina (Leopard Doubletail) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Freesia leichtlinii subsp. leichtlinii x Freesia leichtlinii subsp. alba (Freesia) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Wurmbea dioica subsp. dioica (Early Nancy) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Luzula meridionalis (Common Woodrush) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Opuntia sp. (Prickly Pear) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Opuntia sp. (Prickly Pear) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Wurmbea dioica subsp. dioica (Early Nancy) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Bulbine bulbosa (Golden Lily, Bulbine Lily) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Ajuga australis (Austral Bugle) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Senecio madagascariensis (Madagascan Fireweed, Fireweed) at Goulburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Eucalyptus amplifolia subsp. amplifolia at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Plantago varia (Native Plaintain) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Trifolium dubium (Yellow Suckling Clover) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Cassinia sifton (Sifton Bush, Chinese Shrub) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Luzula meridionalis (Common Woodrush) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Taraxacum sect. Taraxacum (Dandelion) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Carex appressa (Tall Sedge) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Daviesia genistifolia (Broom Bitter Pea) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Cirsium vulgare (Spear Thistle) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Lissanthe strigosa subsp. subulata (Peach Heath) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Acacia brownii (Heath Wattle) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Acacia genistifolia (Early Wattle) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Wurmbea dioica subsp. dioica (Early Nancy) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Acacia decurrens (Green Wattle) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Eucalyptus cinerea subsp. cinerea (Argyle Apple) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Pultenaea microphylla (Egg and Bacon Pea) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Asperula conferta (Common Woodruff) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Ranunculus lappaceus (Australian Buttercup) at Gundary, NSW - 13 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Goulburn, NSW - 11 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Cyanicula caerulea (Blue Fingers, Blue Fairies) at Goulburn, NSW - 11 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Goulburn, NSW - 11 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Patersonia sericea (Silky Purple-flag) at Goulburn, NSW - 11 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Goulburn, NSW - 11 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Diuris pardina (Leopard Doubletail) at Goulburn, NSW - 11 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Diuris pardina (Leopard Doubletail) at Goulburn, NSW - 11 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Dichelachne crinita (Long-hair Plume Grass) at Goulburn, NSW - 11 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Diuris pardina (Leopard Doubletail) at Goulburn, NSW - 11 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Briza maxima (Quaking Grass, Blowfly Grass) at Goulburn, NSW - 11 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Persoonia mollis subsp. livens at Goulburn, NSW - 11 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Banksia spinulosa (Hairpin Banksia) at Goulburn, NSW - 11 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Glossodia major (Wax Lip Orchid) at Goulburn, NSW - 11 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Acacia brownii (Heath Wattle) at Goulburn, NSW - 11 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Glossodia major (Wax Lip Orchid) at Goulburn, NSW - 11 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Pimelea linifolia (Slender Rice Flower) at Goulburn, NSW - 11 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Oxalis articulata (Shamrock) at Goulburn, NSW - 10 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Acacia brownii (Heath Wattle) at Goulburn, NSW - 10 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Poranthera microphylla (Small Poranthera) at Goulburn, NSW - 10 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Pimelea linifolia subsp. linifolia (Queen of the Bush, Slender Rice-flower) at Goulburn, NSW - 10 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Acacia boormanii (Snowy River Wattle) at Goulburn, NSW - 10 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Calochilus platychilus (Purple Beard Orchid) at Goulburn, NSW - 10 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Diuris pardina (Leopard Doubletail) at Goulburn, NSW - 10 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Unidentified Other Shrub at Goulburn, NSW - 10 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Papaver dubium (Longhead Poppy) at Goulburn, NSW - 8 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Romulea rosea var. australis (Onion Grass) at Goulburn, NSW - 8 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Crassula sieberiana (Austral Stonecrop) at Goulburn, NSW - 8 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Cycnogeton procerum (Nareli, Swamp Arrowgrass) at Goulburn, NSW - 8 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Ranunculus amphitrichus (Small River Buttercup) at Goulburn, NSW - 8 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Indigofera australis subsp. australis (Australian Indigo) at Goulburn, NSW - 8 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Medicago polymorpha (Burr Medic) at Goulburn, NSW - 8 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Stellaria media (Common Chickweed) at Goulburn, NSW - 8 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Erodium crinitum (Native Crowfoot) at Goulburn, NSW - 8 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Hovea heterophylla (Common Hovea) at Wombeyan Caves, NSW - 7 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston
Leucopogon microphyllus var. pilibundus (Hairy Beard Heath) at Wombeyan Caves, NSW - 7 Sep 2024 by trevorpreston

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2,179,317 sightings of 20,707 species in 7,294 locations from 12,311 contributors
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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of this land and acknowledge their continuing connection to their culture. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present.