Philobota group
Tortricopsis pyroptis
Prepalla neurotenes
Tachystola hemisema
Isomoralla eriscota
Orescoa orites
Phauloplana illuta
Eulechria ophiodes
Oxythecta acceptella
Ptyoptila matutinella
Epicurica laetiferanus
Syringoseca rhodoxantha
Compsotropha strophiella
Syncometes vilis
Heteroteucha dichroella
Unidentified Concealer moth (Oecophoridae)
Endrosis sarcitrella
Tachystola stenoptera
Palimmeces undescribed species nr hemiphanes
Temnogyropa stenomorpha
Oecophoridae (family)
Palimmeces variegata
Palimmeces leucopelta
Palimmeces habrophanes
Palimmeces (genus)
Oligoloba severa
Eulechria xuthophylla
Hemibela (genus)
Epithymema incomposita
Platoloncha psamathina
Eochrois dejunctella
Philobota (genus)
Hofmannophila pseudospretella
Psaroxantha basilica
Heteroteucha distephana
Acmotoma magniferella
Olbonoma triptycha
Philobota philostaura
Chrysonoma fascialis
Barea (genus)
Hoplomorpha abalienella
Heteroteucha translatella
Zonopetala quadripustulella
Isomoralla gephyrota
Cosmaresta anarrecta
Tachystola acroxantha
Atalopsis heniocha
Garrha ocellifera
Oenochroa ochrosoma
Prionocris protoxantha
Oecophoridae provisional species 11
Hoplostega ochroma
Psaroxantha (genus)
Thema psammoxantha
Garrha repandula
Eochrois acutella
Plectobela (genus)
Olbonoma (genus)
Philobota productella
Merocroca automima
1 2 3 4 5 6 » 47
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