CAP:- 5-15 mm in diam., plano-convex,plano-umbilicate to deeply depressed, striate to subsulcate, surface hygrophanous, moist, violet-
brown to dark sepia and margin vinaceous cinnamon, yellow-brown, becoming paler with moisture loss.
GILLS deeply decurrent, in age becoming anastomosed, rugose or veined, white to pale cream, edges concolorous.
STEM 20-50 x 0.5-2 mm, central, cartilaginous, pruinose to pubescent overall or with base white-fibrillose, apex dark violet-brown,or sordid violet-gray, base yellow-brown to pink-cinnamon.
Substrate : Locally abundant in small troops on or among mosses
May look similar to Omphalina or Phytoconis sp but these species lack the violaceous cap disc and stem apex.
(Ref: Kuyper)
Rickenella sp. is listed in the following regions:
Rickenella swartziiMaps
Bodalla State Forest