Tandanus tandanus (Freshwater Catfish)
Family: Plotosidae (Eel-tail Catfish)
Status: Native. Endangered population NSW.
Size: Commonly grow to about 50 centimetres and weigh about 1.8 kilograms. May grow up to about 90 cm and weigh up to 6 kg.
Description: Grey brown purple or olive above and white below with a long eel like tail and barbles at the mouth. The scientific name for eel-tailed catfish comes from an aboriginal name for the fish - Tandan, which Major Thomas Mitchell recorded on his 1832 expedition.
Location: Murrumbidgee Catchment in the CNM region. The eel-tailed catfish inhabits slow moving streams, lakes and ponds with fringing vegetation. According to ALA, one sighting has been recorded in CNM region. Occasionally stocked in CMN region
No sightings currently exist.