Tasmannia lanceolata is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | South Coast | New England | Tasmania
Badja State Forest Bondo State Forest Broulee Moruya Nature Observation Area Budawang National Park Currowan State Forest Deua National Park East Boyd State Forest Forestry Coupe TN050G Glenbog State Forest Gulaga National Park Kosciuszko National Park Monga National Park Monga National Park Mongarlowe River Mount Imlay National Park Namadgi National Park Nunnock Grassland Walking Track Nunnock Swamp South East Forest National Park South East Forest National Park Sth Tablelands Ecosystem Park Tallaganda National Park Tallaganda State Forest Tasman National Park The Tops at Nurenmerenmong Tinderry Nature Reserve Wadbilliga National Park Yambulla State ForestPlaces
Bemboka, NSW Cotter River, ACT Deua, NSW Geeveston, TAS Harolds Cross, NSW Moina, TAS Southwest, TAS Styx, TAS