Initially known as a Diaea species. In 2014 P. Szymkowiak in Annales of Zoologici Warszawa, Volume 64, pages 333-477, stated that all Australian Diaea species should now be listed as Lehtinelagia species. Just two years later, and very controversially, Lehtinen stated the generic name should be further changed to Tharrhalea.
Easily recognized by its pattern of green and reddish colours and black abdominal dots. These allow it to 'hide in plain sight' on green leaves or in flowers and to catch insects by stealth.
Anderson, G. and Whyte, A., 2017, A Field Guide to Australian Spiders. p. 358 top right.
"The distinctive pattern of large dots makes the male of this species relatively easy to recognise."
Updated 16th April 2022, spider moderator
Tharrhalea pulleinei is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | South Coast | New South Wales North Coast
Lehtinelagia pulleineiMaps