Eastern sub-species (Climacteris picumnus victoriae) declared Vulnerable in the ACT and NSW.
Climacteris picumnus victoriae is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | Albury, Wodonga | South Coast | Riverina Murray | New England | Far West New South Wales | Hume | Loddon Mallee | South West Queensland
9 Mile Hill TSR Albury Bago State Forest Bendora Reservoir Black Flat at Corrowong Brindabella National Park Broadway TSR Budginigi Bungongo State Forest Burrinjuck Nature Reserve Campbell Park Woodland Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park Clarkes Hill Nature Reserve Coornartha Nature Reserve Cuumbeun Nature Reserve Dangelong Nature Reserve Dowdle Swamp Wildlife Reserve Eastern Hill Reserve Eight Mile Creek Ellerslie Nature Reserve Gigerline Nature Reserve Googong Foreshore Goorooyarroo NR (ACT) Goulburn Mulwaree Council Horseshoe Lagoon and West Albury Wetlands Huon Hill West Illilanga & Baroona Ironmungy Nature Reserve Jerrabomberra Grassland Jindalee National Park Kama Kosciuszko National Park Kremur Street Boat Ramp Kybeyan State Conservation Area Livingstone National Park Mahers Hill Merriangaah Nature Reserve Minjary National Park Molonglo River Reserve Mundoonen Nature Reserve Murray Valley Regional Park Nadgigomar Nature Reserve Nail Can Hill Namadgi National Park Nine Mile Reserve Old Naas TSR Padman Drive Parkland Padman/Mates Park Paroo-Darling National Park Percival Hill Red Hill State Forest Ringwood Tank Scabby Range Nature Reserve Strike-a-Light TSR Tallaganda State Forest Tarlo River National Park Terrick Terrick National Park Tumblong State Conservation Area Tumut State Forest Wandiyali-Environa Conservation Area Warby-Ovens National Park Wee Jasper State Forest Wereboldera State Conservation Area Wodonga Wodonga Regional Park Wollondilly Local Government Area Wonga Wetlands Yanununbeyan State Conservation Area Yurammie State ForestPlaces
Bellmount Forest, NSW Chiltern Valley, VIC Illabo, NSW Michelago, NSW Mullengandra, NSW Splitters Creek, NSW Tarcutta, NSW Tharwa, ACT Wagga Wagga, NSW Walla Walla, NSW Whitlam, ACT