Gadopsis marmoratus (River Blackfish)
Family: Percichthyidae (Temperate Perch)
Status: Native. Endangered in NSW.
Size: Up to 600 mm and 5.5 kg, more commonly 300mm and 0.4kg.
Description: Medium sized species. A relatively large head with rounded snout, long dorsal fin and single pelvic rays, rounded tail grey brown with bands and blotches. Compared to Two-Spined Blackfish (G. bispinosus), generally lacks white edges to the fins and has a longer spiny section to the dorsal fin. Also known Freshwater, Slippery, Slimy and Snowy River Blackfish, Marbled River Cod, and Greasy Taylor.
Habitat: Ambush predator and are secretive rather than shy. Associated with in-stream cover, rock or wood debris areas providing shelter from high water velocities. Only infrequently encountered in open water or above homogeneous substrates without cover.
Location: Located in the Snowy Catchment in the CNM region and potentially lower Tumut Catchment.
No sightings currently exist.