Galaxias rostratus (Flathead Galaxias)
Family: Galaxidae (Galaxiids)
Status: Native. Critically endangered in NSW. Vulnerable in Vic. Critically endangered EPBC Act (Commonwealth).
Size: Small shoaling fish that grows to 150 mm, but is seldom over 100 mm.
Description: Also commonly known as Murray Jollytail. Long slender fish with flattened head; greenish brown on back and sides with irregular darker grey- green blotches, and bright silvery below lateral line; eyes silvery; fins colourless.
Location: Endemic to the southern tributaries of the Murray-Darling River System; the Murray, Murrumbidgee and Lachlan Rivers and their tributaries. Previously reported in upper Macquarie River.
Galaxias rostratus is listed in the following regions:
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Albury Normans Lagoon