Goodenia hederacea subsp. hederacea is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | South Coast | Central West NSW | Riverina Murray | Hume
Alison Hone Reserve ANBG South Annex ANU Dickson Precinct Aranda Bushland Australian National University Back Creek TSR Balmoral Bamarang Nature Reserve Bango Nature Reserve Bermaguee Nature Reserve Black Mountain Blue Gum Point to Attunga Bay Bluetts Block (402, 403, 12, 11) Boro Bruce Ridge Bruce Ridge to Gossan Hill Bugong National Park Bungonia Crown Reserve Bungonia National Park Bungonia State Conservation Area Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park Clyde State Forest Combaning State Conservation Area Conimbla National Park Conjola National Park Cooleman Ridge Cuumbeun Nature Reserve Denman Prospect 2 Estate Deferred Area (Block 12) Deua National Park Dryandra St Woodland Farrer Ridge Flat Rock State Forest Flea Bog Flat, Bruce Ginninderry Conservation Corridor Gorman Road Bush Reserve, Goulburn Gossan Hill Goulburn Mulwaree Council Gundary TSR Gungaderra Grasslands Gunning Bush Block Hall Cemetery Isaacs Ridge Isaacs Ridge and Nearby Jerrabomberra Grassland Jerrawangala National Park Jervis Bay National Park Kama Kangaroo Valley - Sydney Bushwalkers Club Keverstone National Park Kowen Woodland Lake Burley Griffin West Lake Ginninderra Little Taylor Grasslands Long Point Lookout (Morton National Park) Mcleods Creek Res (Gundaroo) Mittagong Molonglo Gorge Molonglo River Reserve Mongarlowe River Morton National Park Morton National Park (CNM portion) Morton State Conservation Area Mount Ainslie Mount Ainslie to Black Mountain Mount Gray Recreation Reserve, Goulburn Mount Majura Mount Mugga Mugga Mount Painter Mount Pleasant Mount Taylor Mulligans Flat Mundoonen Nature Reserve Namadgi National Park Oakey Hill Parma Creek Nature Reserve Percival Hill Piney Ridge Pomaderris Nature Reserve Red Hill Nature Reserve Reservoir Hill, Lawson Rocky Hill War Memorial Park and Bush Reserve, Goulburn Rugosa SCR380 at Windellama Shoalhaven State Forest Stirling Park Sullivans Creek, Acton Sutton Forest Tapitallee Nature Reserve Terranna TSR The Pinnacle Thirlmere Lakes National Park Triplarina Nature Reserve Wandera State Forest Wandera State Forest Wanniassa Hill West Goulburn Bushland Reserve West Stromlo Wingecarribee Local Government Area Wogamia Nature Reserve Wollondilly Local Government Area Woollamia Nature Reserve Worrigee Nature Reserve Yarranjerry State Forest Yerriyong State ForestPlaces
Acton, ACT Ainslie, ACT Bombay, NSW Bungendore, NSW Bungonia, NSW Chiltern, VIC Cowra, NSW Denman Prospect, ACT Fadden, ACT Goulburn, NSW Gundaroo, NSW Gundary, NSW Hackett, ACT Hawker, ACT Holbrook, NSW Jerrawa, NSW Kingsdale, NSW Lake George, NSW Lerida, NSW Manar, NSW Marulan, NSW Mount Fairy, NSW Murrumbateman, NSW Parkesbourne, NSW Rendezvous Creek, ACT Springrange, NSW Tallong, NSW Tirrannaville, NSW Walleroobie, NSW Watson, ACT Whitlam, ACT Windellama, NSW Yarra, NSW