A family within the Order Plectoptera
ADULTS: some are wingless, but many species of stoneflies (Order: Plecoptera) have complex, braided venation to their two pairs of wings. All adults have a pair of long appendages ('cerci') projecting from the last abdominal segment. They are not strong fliers, and spend the few weeks of their adult lives near water.
LARVAE: the larvae of most species are aquatic. They resemble wingless adults, and have the same pair of long cerci ('tails'). All require high levels of oxygen, and are therefore important indicators of water quality. They spend between 1 and 4 years as nymphs, before leaving the water for their final moult.
Identification guide for larvae: The Waterbug App. This is a very helpful guide for identifying aquatic invertebrates - including larval insects such as stoneflies. The App is free, and available for iOS and Android devices.
GRIPOPTERYGIDAE (family) is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | South Coast