Garrha idiosema
Piloprepes antidoxa
Olbonoma triptycha
Eulechria heliophanes
Placocosma resumptella
Tortricopsis uncinella
Philobota lysizona
Philobota (genus)
Euchaetis rhizobola
Zonopetala decisana
Chezala privatella
Garrha (genus)
Leptocroca sanguinolenta
Heteroteucha occidua
Palimmeces leucopelta
Garrha phoenopis
Syringoseca rhodoxantha
Philobota philostaura
Scatochresis episema
Thema psammoxantha
Isomoralla pyrrhoptera
Palimmeces habrophanes
Palimmeces leucomitra
Garrha ocellifera
Palimmeces variegata
Chezala brachypepla
Euchaetis cryptorrhoda
Wingia aurata
Telocharacta metachroa
Microbela allocoma
Garrha repandula
Oecophoridae provisional group 2
Tortricopsis euryphanella
Ptyoptila matutinella
Isomoralla eriscota
Barea consignatella
Tortricopsis pyroptis
Barea codrella
Barea confusella
Heliocausta undescribed species
Eulechria undescribed species
Oecophoridae provisional species 2
Barea atmophora
Tachystola stenoptera
Aeolothapsa malacella
Crepidosceles timalphes
Enchronista proximella
Euphiltra eroticella
Atheropla decaspila
Syncometes vilis
Barea melanodelta
Eulechria electrodes
Philobota productella
Barea (genus)
Philobota baryptera
Arachnographa micrastrella
Philobota mathematica group undescribed species.
Compsotropha strophiella
Garrha leucerythra
Heteroteucha translatella
Phauloplana illuta
Philobota chionoptera
Parergophela melirrhoa
1 2 3
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