
Science degree in ecology (ornithology) and genetics. Former member of Canberra Ornithologists' Group and their representative on the Barren Grounds Nature Reserve. Life member of ANPS Canberra, leader of the Eremophila Study Group for the Australian Native Plants Society of Australia, member of the SE NSW Region of APS NSW. Former member of the Queanbeyan River Corridor Environmental Management Committee.

Page 7 of 10 - image sightings only

Oxycanus (genus) (Unidentified Oxycanus moths) at Greenleigh, NSW - 4 May 2022 by LyndalT
Opisthoncus sp. (genus) (Unidentified Opisthoncus jumping spider) at Greenleigh, NSW - 1 May 2022 by LyndalT
Wahlenbergia capillaris (Tufted Bluebell) at Greenleigh, NSW - 13 Apr 2022 by LyndalT
Yeelana pavonina (Colourful Yeelana) at Perisher Valley, NSW - 5 Apr 2022 by LyndalT
Olearia brevipedunculata (Dusty Daisy Bush) at Perisher Valley, NSW - 5 Apr 2022 by LyndalT
Aseroe rubra (Anemone Stinkhorn) at Perisher Valley, NSW - 5 Apr 2022 by LyndalT
Petroica phoenicea (Flame Robin) at Perisher Valley, NSW - 5 Apr 2022 by LyndalT
Kosciuscola cognatus (A grasshopper) at Perisher Valley, NSW - 5 Apr 2022 by LyndalT
Zanda funerea (Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo) at Perisher Valley, NSW - 1 Apr 2022 by LyndalT
Dillwynia sieberi (Sieber's Parrot Pea) at Greenleigh, NSW - 16 Mar 2022 by LyndalT
Litoria fallax (Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog) at Teralba, NSW - 13 Mar 2022 by LyndalT
Calotis cuneifolia (Purple Burr-daisy) at Capertee, NSW - 12 Mar 2022 by LyndalT
Billardiera scandens (Hairy Apple Berry) at Capertee, NSW - 11 Mar 2022 by LyndalT
Senecio sp. (A Fireweed) at Capertee, NSW - 11 Mar 2022 by LyndalT
Eriochilus cucullatus (Parson's Bands) at Capertee, NSW - 11 Mar 2022 by LyndalT
Vespadelus sp. (genus) at Greenleigh, NSW - 6 Feb 2022 by LyndalT
Vespadelus darlingtoni (Large Forest Bat) at Greenleigh, NSW - 6 Feb 2022 by LyndalT
Chalinolobus gouldii (Gould's Wattled Bat) at Greenleigh, NSW - 22 Jan 2022 by LyndalT
Chondropyga dorsalis (Cowboy beetle) at Greenleigh, NSW - 21 Jan 2022 by LyndalT
Psychidae (family) IMMATURE (Unidentified case moth or bagworm) at Greenleigh, NSW - 24 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Plebs bradleyi (Enamelled spider) at Greenleigh, NSW - 23 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Austrolestes leda (Wandering Ringtail) at Greenleigh, NSW - 17 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Tipulidae sp. (family) (Unidentified Crane Fly) at Greenleigh, NSW - 17 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Callocephalon fimbriatum (Gang-gang Cockatoo) at Greenleigh, NSW - 14 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Tursiops truncatus (Bottlenose Dolphin) at Port Stephens, NSW - 13 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Choerocoris paganus at Shoal Bay, NSW - 13 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Blandfordia grandiflora (Christmas Bells) at Shoal Bay, NSW - 13 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Comesperma ericinum (Heath Milkwort) at Shoal Bay, NSW - 13 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Orthoceras strictum (Horned Orchid) at Shoal Bay, NSW - 13 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Exoneura sp. at Shoal Bay, NSW - 13 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Stylidium sp. (Trigger Plant) at Shoal Bay, NSW - 13 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Platysace lanceolata (Shrubby Platysace) at Shoal Bay, NSW - 13 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Aridaeus thoracicus at Shoal Bay, NSW - 13 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Isopogon anemonifolius (Common Drumsticks) at Shoal Bay, NSW - 13 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Epacris pulchella (Wallum Heath) at Shoal Bay, NSW - 13 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Hakea sericea (Needlebush) at Shoal Bay, NSW - 13 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Acacia binervia (Coastal Myall, Kai'arrewan) at Shoal Bay, NSW - 13 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Eucalyptus haemastoma (Scribbly Gum) at Nelson Bay, NSW - 13 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Lyramorpha rosea at Nelson Bay, NSW - 13 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Pimelea linifolia (Slender Rice Flower) at Salamander Bay, NSW - 13 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Thysanotus sp. at Salamander Bay, NSW - 13 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Cracticus torquatus (Grey Butcherbird) at Salamander Bay, NSW - 12 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Egernia major (Land Mullet) at Salamander Bay, NSW - 12 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Salamander Bay, NSW - 12 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Aseroe rubra (Anemone Stinkhorn) at Nelson Bay, NSW - 12 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Dacelo novaeguineae (Laughing Kookaburra) at Nelson Bay, NSW - 12 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Platylobium formosum (Handsome Flat Pea) at Corlette, NSW - 12 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Thalasseus bergii (Crested Tern) at Port Stephens, NSW - 11 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Angophora costata (Rusty Gum, Smooth-barked Apple) at Salamander Bay, NSW - 11 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Glochidion ferdinandi (Cheese Tree) at Salamander Bay, NSW - 11 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Dipodium variegatum (Blotched Hyacinth Orchid) at Salamander Bay, NSW - 11 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Gahnia clarkei (Tall Saw Sedge) at Salamander Bay, NSW - 11 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Epacris pulchella (Wallum Heath) at Salamander Bay, NSW - 10 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Euryomyrtus ramosissima (Rosy Baeckea) at Salamander Bay, NSW - 10 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Actinotus helianthi (Flannel Flower) at Salamander Bay, NSW - 10 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Xyris sp. (Yellow Eye) at Salamander Bay, NSW - 10 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Trachymene incisa (Native Parsnip) at Salamander Bay, NSW - 10 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Agrionoptera insignis allogenes at Salamander Bay, NSW - 10 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Parsonsia straminea (Common Silkpod) at Corlette, NSW - 10 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Commelina cyanea (Scurvy Weed) at Corlette, NSW - 10 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Gallinula tenebrosa (Dusky Moorhen) at Shortland, NSW - 10 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Porphyrio melanotus (Australasian Swamphen) at Shortland, NSW - 10 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Eulamprus quoyii (Eastern Water Skink) at Shortland, NSW - 10 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Hibbertia scandens (Climbing Guinea Flower) at Mungo Brush, NSW - 9 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Correa alba var. alba (White Correa) at Mungo Brush, NSW - 9 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Banksia integrifolia subsp. integrifolia (Coast Banksia) at Mungo Brush, NSW - 9 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Morelia spilota (Carpet Python) at Mungo Brush, NSW - 9 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Egernia major (Land Mullet) at Mungo Brush, NSW - 9 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Unidentified Plant at Boolambayte, NSW - 9 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Unidentified Fern or Clubmoss at Mungo Brush, NSW - 9 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Arytera divaricata (Coogera) at Mungo Brush, NSW - 9 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Banksia serrata (Saw Banksia) at Mungo Brush, NSW - 9 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Livistona australis (Australian Cabbage Palm) at Mungo Brush, NSW - 9 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Melaleuca quinquenervia (Paperbark Tea Tree, Broad-Leaved Paperbark) at Mungo Brush, NSW - 9 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Acacia mearnsii (Black Wattle) at Majors Creek, NSW - 4 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Merimnetes sp. (genus) (A weevil) at Surf Beach, NSW - 4 Dec 2021 by LyndalT
Mituliodon tarantulinus (Prowling Spider) at Greenleigh, NSW - 23 Nov 2021 by LyndalT
Lolium sp. (Ryegrass) at Greenleigh, NSW - 8 Nov 2021 by LyndalT
Vulpia sp. (A Squirreltail Fescue) at Greenleigh, NSW - 8 Nov 2021 by LyndalT
Bromus diandrus (Great Brome) at Greenleigh, NSW - 8 Nov 2021 by LyndalT
Einadia nutans subsp. nutans (Climbing Saltbush) at Greenleigh, NSW - 6 Nov 2021 by LyndalT
Diuris sulphurea (Tiger Orchid) at Greenleigh, NSW - 6 Nov 2021 by LyndalT
Theridiidae (family) (Comb-footed spider) at Greenleigh, NSW - 1 Nov 2021 by LyndalT
Pultenaea procumbens (Bush Pea) at Greenleigh, NSW - 24 Oct 2021 by LyndalT
Araneinae (subfamily) (Orb weaver) at Greenleigh, NSW - 24 Oct 2021 by LyndalT
Litoria peronii (Peron's Tree Frog, Emerald Spotted Tree Frog) at Greenleigh, NSW - 19 Oct 2021 by LyndalT
Senecio sp. (A Fireweed) at Greenleigh, NSW - 11 Oct 2021 by LyndalT
Corcorax melanorhamphos (White-winged Chough) at Greenleigh, NSW - 8 Oct 2021 by LyndalT
Eucalyptus bridgesiana (Apple Box) at Greenleigh, NSW - 8 Oct 2021 by LyndalT
Lomandra filiformis (Wattle Mat-rush) at Greenleigh, NSW - 30 Sep 2021 by LyndalT
Daviesia mimosoides subsp. mimosoides at Greenleigh, NSW - 30 Sep 2021 by LyndalT
Eucalyptus sp. (A Gum Tree) at Greenleigh, NSW - 30 Sep 2021 by LyndalT
Theridiidae (family) (Comb-footed spider) at Greenleigh, NSW - 27 Sep 2021 by LyndalT
Melithreptus lunatus (White-naped Honeyeater) at Greenleigh, NSW - 26 Sep 2021 by LyndalT
Opuntia ficus-indica (Indian Fig, Spineless Cactus) at Greenleigh, NSW - 17 Sep 2021 by LyndalT
Clubiona sp. (genus) (Unidentified Stout Sac Spider) at Greenleigh, NSW - 16 Sep 2021 by LyndalT
Apricia jovialis (Jovial jumping spider) at Greenleigh, NSW - 11 Sep 2021 by LyndalT
Carex appressa (Tall Sedge) at Greenleigh, NSW - 11 Sep 2021 by LyndalT
Eucalyptus rossii (Inland Scribbly Gum) at Greenleigh, NSW - 4 Sep 2021 by LyndalT
Styphelia triflora (Five-corners) at Greenleigh, NSW - 4 Sep 2021 by LyndalT

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2,191,500 sightings of 20,833 species in 9,169 locations from 12,576 contributors
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