Plant sightings


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Page 232 of 1145 - image sightings only

Kunzea parvifolia (Violet Kunzea) at Yass River, NSW - 19 Oct 2023 by SueMcIntyre
Podolepis sp. at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 19 Oct 2023 by nath_kay
Rumex acetosella (Sheep Sorrel) at Paddys River, ACT - 19 Oct 2023 by jac
Triptilodiscus pygmaeus (Annual Daisy) at Paddys River, ACT - 19 Oct 2023 by jac
Parentucellia latifolia (Red Bartsia) at Paddys River, ACT - 19 Oct 2023 by jac
Trifolium campestre (Hop Clover) at Paddys River, ACT - 19 Oct 2023 by jac
Eucalyptus amplifolia (Cabbage Gum) at Kangaroo Valley, NSW - 19 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Vicia villosa subsp. eriocarpa (Russian Vetch) at Captains Flat, NSW - 19 Oct 2023 by Csteele4
Caladenia carnea (Pink Fingers) at Paddys River, ACT - 19 Oct 2023 by jac
Angophora floribunda (Apple, Rough-barked Apple) at Kangaroo Valley, NSW - 19 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Sagittaria platyphylla (Sagittaria) at Phillip, ACT - 19 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Calochilus campestris (Copper Beard Orchid) at Borough, NSW - 19 Oct 2023 by Paul4K
Craspedia variabilis (Common Billy Buttons) at Tuggeranong, ACT - 19 Oct 2023 by LPadg
Caladenia iridescens (Bronze Caps) at Halls Gap, VIC - 19 Oct 2023 by AnneG1
Dillwynia sp. at Paddys River, ACT - 19 Oct 2023 by jac
Leptorhynchos squamatus subsp. squamatus (Scaly Buttons) at Tuggeranong, ACT - 19 Oct 2023 by LPadg
Thelymitra carnea (Tiny Sun Orchid) at Halls Gap, VIC - 18 Oct 2023 by AnneG1
Chiloglottis valida (Large Bird Orchid) at Halls Gap, VIC - 18 Oct 2023 by AnneG1
Brachyloma daphnoides (Daphne Heath) at Paddys River, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by jac
Lomandra longifolia (Spiny-headed Mat-rush, Honey Reed) at Bruce, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by JVR
Goodenia geniculata (Bent Goodenia) at Bellfield, VIC - 18 Oct 2023 by AnneG1
Hibbertia sericea at Bellfield, VIC - 18 Oct 2023 by AnneG1
Pultenaea costata (Ribbed Bush-pea) at Bellfield, VIC - 18 Oct 2023 by AnneG1
Ozothamnus obcordatus (Grey Everlasting) at Bellfield, VIC - 18 Oct 2023 by AnneG1
Erodium crinitum (Native Crowfoot) at Belconnen, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by CattleDog
Utricularia dichotoma (Fairy Aprons, Purple Bladderwort) at Bellfield, VIC - 18 Oct 2023 by AnneG1
Crataegus monogyna (Hawthorn) at Kangaroo Valley, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Bauera sessiliflora (Grampians Bauera) at Bellfield, VIC - 18 Oct 2023 by AnneG1
Marianthus bignoniacea (Orange Bell-Climber) at Halls Gap, VIC - 18 Oct 2023 by AnneG1
Indigofera australis subsp. australis (Australian Indigo) at Paddys River, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by jac
Thelymitra antennifera (Vanilla Orchid, Lemon-scented Sun Orchid) at Halls Gap, VIC - 18 Oct 2023 by AnneG1
Hakea salicifolia (Willow-leaved Hakea) at Bruce, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by JVR
Hibbertia obtusifolia (Grey Guinea-flower) at Isaacs, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Mike
Caladenia transitoria at Halls Gap, VIC - 18 Oct 2023 by AnneG1
Pultenaea procumbens (Bush Pea) at Isaacs, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Mike
Thelymitra sp. (A Sun Orchid) at Borough, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by Paul4K
Diuris sulphurea (Tiger Orchid) at Paddys River, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by jac
Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum (Jersey Cudweed) at Isaacs, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Mike
Hibbertia obtusifolia (Grey Guinea-flower) at Paddys River, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by jac
Caladenia moschata (Musky Caps) at Stromlo, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Kenp12
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray) at Googong, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by Wandiyali
Stackhousia monogyna (Creamy Candles) at Googong, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by Wandiyali
Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. pauciflora (White Sally, Snow Gum) at Majura, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by WalterEgo
Swainsona sericea (Silky Swainson-Pea) at Googong, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by Wandiyali
Linum marginale (Native Flax) at Majura, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by WalterEgo
Dillwynia sericea (Egg And Bacon Peas) at Majura, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by WalterEgo
Dillwynia sericea (Egg And Bacon Peas) at Fadden, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by KumikoCallaway
Diuris sulphurea (Tiger Orchid) at Fadden, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by KumikoCallaway
Rumex acetosella (Sheep Sorrel) at Burra Creek, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by SuePolsen
Ranunculus muricatus (Sharp Buttercup) at Burra Creek, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by SuePolsen
Clematis glycinoides (Headache Vine) at Kangaroo Valley, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Clerodendrum tomentosum (Hairy Clerodendrum) at Kangaroo Valley, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Eustrephus latifolius (Wombat Berry) at Kangaroo Valley, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Prostanthera nivea (Snowy Mint-bush) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Mike
Bulbine bulbosa (Golden Lily, Bulbine Lily) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Mike
Santalum obtusifolium (Coastal Sandalwood) at Kangaroo Valley, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Lomandra filiformis subsp. coriacea (Wattle Matrush) at Cook, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by lyndallh
Tetratheca thymifolia (Black-eyed Susan) at Captains Flat, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by Csteele4
Tricoryne elatior (Yellow Rush Lily) at Belconnen, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by lyndallh
Goodenia hederacea subsp. hederacea (Ivy Goodenia, Forest Goodenia) at Belconnen, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by lyndallh
Goodenia pinnatifida (Scrambled Eggs) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Mike
Bulbine bulbosa (Golden Lily, Bulbine Lily) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Mike
Adiantum aethiopicum (Common Maidenhair Fern) at Bungendore, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by clarehoneydove
Pimelea curviflora var. sericea (Curved Riceflower) at Belconnen, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by lyndallh
Kunzea parvifolia (Violet Kunzea) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Mike
Bossiaea buxifolia (Matted Bossiaea) at Belconnen, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by lyndallh
Briza maxima (Quaking Grass, Blowfly Grass) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Mike
Galium gaudichaudii subsp. gaudichaudii (Rough Bedstraw) at Belconnen, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by lyndallh
Carex inversa (Knob Sedge) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Mike
Carex appressa (Tall Sedge) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Mike
Eleocharis acuta (Common Spike-rush) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Mike
Lomandra multiflora (Many-flowered Matrush) at Captains Flat, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by Csteele4
Orobanche minor (Broomrape) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Mike
Linaria pelisseriana (Pelisser's Toadflax) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Mike
Drosera spatulata (Common Sundew) at Brunswick Heads, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by macmad
Ranunculus lappaceus (Australian Buttercup) at Yaouk, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by JARS
Xerochrysum viscosum (Sticky Everlasting) at Belconnen, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by sangio7
Wahlenbergia stricta subsp. stricta (Tall Bluebell) at Belconnen, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by sangio7
Hibbertia obtusifolia (Grey Guinea-flower) at Belconnen, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by sangio7
Ajuga australis (Austral Bugle) at Yaouk, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by JARS
Lonicera japonica (Japanese Honeysuckle) at Belconnen, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by sangio7
Lomandra filiformis subsp. coriacea (Wattle Matrush) at Belconnen, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by sangio7
Thelymitra sp. (A Sun Orchid) at Isaacs, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Mike
Chrysocephalum apiculatum (Common Everlasting) at Isaacs, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Mike
Chiloglottis valida (Large Bird Orchid) at Halls Gap, VIC - 18 Oct 2023 by AnneG1
Cytisus scoparius subsp. scoparius (Scotch Broom, Broom, English Broom) at Isaacs, ACT - 18 Oct 2023 by Mike
Glandularia aristigera (Mayne's Pest) at Broken Hill, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by Ange
Veronica calycina (Hairy Speedwell) at Googong, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by JaneR
Viola betonicifolia (Mountain Violet) at Googong, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by JaneR
Juncus homalocaulis (A Rush) at Googong, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by JaneR
Schoenus apogon (Common Bog Sedge) at Googong, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by JaneR
Angophora floribunda (Apple, Rough-barked Apple) at Kangaroo Valley, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Blechnum nudum (Fishbone Water Fern) at Captains Flat, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by Csteele4
Adiantum aethiopicum (Common Maidenhair Fern) at Captains Flat, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by Csteele4
Kennedia prostrata (Running Postman) at Halls Gap, VIC - 18 Oct 2023 by AnneG1
Caladenia ornata (Ornate Pink Fingers) at Halls Gap, VIC - 18 Oct 2023 by AnneG1
Senna artemisioides (Silver Senna, Silver Cassia) at Broken Hill, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by Ange
Olearia erubescens (Silky Daisybush) at Captains Flat, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by Csteele4
Cynanchum viminale (Caustic Vine) at Broken Hill, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by Ange
Solanum sturtianum at Broken Hill, NSW - 18 Oct 2023 by Ange

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