Senecio prenanthoides is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | South Coast
Aranda Bushland Bango Nature Reserve Benandarah State Forest Beowa National Park Bermagui State Forest Biamanga National Park Bluetts Block (402, 403, 12, 11) Bodalla State Forest Bondo State Forest Bournda Nature Reserve Brindabella National Park Bruce Ridge to Gossan Hill Brundee Swamp Nature Reserve Cathcart State Forest Coolangubra State Forest Coornartha Nature Reserve Currowan State Forest Denman Prospect 2 Estate Deferred Area (Block 12) Deua National Park Dryandra St Woodland East Boyd State Forest Egan Peaks Nature Reserve Farrer Ridge Gibraltar Pines Glenbog State Forest Gossan Hill Gungaderra Grasslands Illilanga & Baroona Kosciuszko National Park Micalong Gorge Mimosa Rocks National Park Mogo State Forest Molonglo Gorge Morton National Park Mount Imlay National Park Mount Majura Mt Holland Nadgee Nature Reserve Namadgi National Park Nullica State Forest Nungatta State Forest Piney Ridge Red Hill Nature Reserve Saltwater Swamp Nature Reserve South East Forest National Park Tallaganda State Forest Timbillica State Forest Tinderry Mountains Tinderry Nature Reserve Wadbilliga National Park Wanna Wanna Nature Reserve Wanniassa Hill Yambulla State Forest Yurammie State Conservation Area Yurammie State ForestPlaces
Fadden, ACT Mount Clear, ACT Tinderry, NSW Uriarra, NSW