Erect or spreading tree or shrub 1–4 m high; bark smooth or finely fissured, grey; branchlets ± terete, glabrous, ± resinous, granular towards apices.
Phyllodes narrowly elliptic to ± linear, ± straight, 5–15 cm long, 6–15 mm wide, leathery, glabrous, numerous fine, often obscure longitudinal veins with midvein prominent, (1-) 2–4 (-5) veins per mm, apex obtuse or acute often with a mucro; 1 inconspicuous gland at base; pulvinus 2–4 mm long.
Inflorescences 1 or 2 in axil of phyllodes; peduncles 4–10 mm long, scurfy; heads ± ovoid or cylindrical, 1–3 cm long, bright yellow.
Pods ± straight, ± flat except over seeds, straight-sided to slightly constricted between seeds, 4–10 cm long, 3–4 mm wide, firmly papery, smooth to slightly wrinkled, glabrous; seeds longitudinal; funicle expanded towards seed.
May be found in Bangadilly NP.
Acacia subtilinervis is listed in the following regions:
Bermagui State Forest Bomaderry Creek Bushcare Bomaderry Creek Regional Park Breams Beach Bushcare Colymea State Conservation Area Deua National Park Jerrawangala National Park Jervis Bay National Park Morton National Park Nullica State Forest South East Forest National Park Triplarina Nature ReservePlaces
Tianjara, NSW