Youning Su is the Orthoptera scientist at the Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO, Canberra. He is currently publishing an Australian cricket field guide (in-press) with retired CSIRO scientist David Rentz. This specimen (genus) should be marked as a significant sighting: until very recently, the genus Calperum was known only from Calperum station just north of Renmark, South Australia, and from Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Very recently, a specimen was found near Round Hill, NSW (just north of Wagga Wagga). Finding this genus in Canberra is astonishing given its proximity to the Australian National Insect Collection, which has been sampling the Canberra insect fauna for nearly a century. After seeing this record Youning Su managed to collect a specimens, and established that these crickets were not active after 8 AM (but perhaps were active through the night). This unusual activity, apparently restricted to the early morning, is perhaps why they have never been recorded in the ACT.
It appears that there is only the one Calperum species.
Calperum ottei is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands