Hakea microcarpa is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | South Coast | Hunter Region | Tasmania
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Back Creek TSR Barrington Tops National Park Birrigai Black Mountain Boro Brindabella National Park Budawang National Park Bullen Range Deua National Park (CNM area) Gibraltar Pines Gigerline Nature Reserve Glenbog State Forest Gourock National Park Kosciuszko National Park Lions Youth Haven - Westwood Farm A.C.T. Lower Cotter Catchment Melrose Mongarlowe River Morton National Park Mt Holland Namadgi National Park Nunnock Swamp Penrose Pine Island to Point Hut Point Hut to Tharwa Scabby Range Nature Reserve South East Forest National Park South East Forest National Park Sth Tablelands Ecosystem Park The Tops at Nurenmerenmong Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Tuggeranong Hill Umbagong District Park Wadbilliga National Park Watson Woodlands Wingecarribee Local Government AreaPlaces
Bonython, ACT Booth, ACT Captains Flat, NSW Gordon, ACT Latham, ACT Moina, TAS Rendezvous Creek, ACT Tennent, ACT