Plant sightings


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Page 180 of 1076 - image sightings only

Chenopodium desertorum (Frosted Goosefoot) at Thuddungra, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Acacia decurrens (Green Wattle) at Thuddungra, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Olea europaea (Common Olive) at Thuddungra, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Lomandra multiflora (Many-flowered Matrush) at Thuddungra, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Olearia argophylla (Native Musk) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Lomandra multiflora (Many-flowered Matrush) at Thuddungra, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Anthoxanthum odoratum (Sweet Vernal Grass) at Charleys Forest, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by arjay
Pultenaea procumbens (Bush Pea) at Belconnen, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by sangio7
Wahlenbergia luteola (Yellowish Bluebell) at Thuddungra, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Goodenia hederacea subsp. hederacea (Ivy Goodenia, Forest Goodenia) at Thuddungra, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Chrysocephalum semipapposum (Clustered Everlasting) at Thuddungra, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Austrostipa sp. (A Corkscrew Grass) at Thuddungra, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Calotis cuneifolia (Purple Burr-daisy) at Thuddungra, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Wahlenbergia gracilis (Australian Bluebell) at Thuddungra, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Coprosma quadrifida (Prickly Currant Bush, Native Currant) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Convolvulus angustissimus subsp. angustissimus (Australian Bindweed) at Thuddungra, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Lolium sp. (Ryegrass) at Thuddungra, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Dianella revoluta var. revoluta (Black-Anther Flax Lily) at Thuddungra, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Goodenia pinnatifida (Scrambled Eggs) at Thuddungra, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Eucalyptus dalrympleana subsp. dalrympleana (Mountain Gum) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Pandorea pandorana (Wonga Wonga Vine) at Cook, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by dwise
Calochilus platychilus (Purple Beard Orchid) at Black Mountain - 7 Oct 2023 by Venture
Luzula flaccida (Pale Woodrush) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Pterostylis nutans (Nodding Greenhood) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Bossiaea buxifolia (Matted Bossiaea) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Drosera auriculata (Tall Sundew) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Bunochilus montanus (Montane Leafy Greenhood) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Coronidium scorpioides (Button Everlasting) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Choretrum pauciflorum (Dwarf Sour Bush) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Bunochilus montanus (Montane Leafy Greenhood) at Cotter River, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by Ned_Johnston
Bunochilus montanus (Montane Leafy Greenhood) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Acacia pravissima (Wedge-leaved Wattle, Ovens Wattle) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Lagenophora stipitata (Common Lagenophora) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Modiola caroliniana (Red-flowered Mallow) at Belconnen, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by LPadg
Leucopogon fletcheri subsp. brevisepalus (Twin Flower Beard-Heath) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Hovea asperifolia subsp. asperifolia (Rosemary Hovea) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Acrotriche leucocarpa (Tall Acrotriche) at Cotter River, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by NedJohnston
Luzula meridionalis (Common Woodrush) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Acaena novae-zelandiae (Bidgee Widgee) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Pterostylis pedunculata (Maroonhood) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Acrotriche leucocarpa (Tall Acrotriche) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Olearia erubescens (Silky Daisybush) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Rubus parvifolius (Native Raspberry) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Acrotriche leucocarpa (Tall Acrotriche) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Pterostylis pedunculata (Maroonhood) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Adiantum aethiopicum (Common Maidenhair Fern) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Galium leiocarpum (Maori Bedstraw) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Senecio minimus (Shrubby Fireweed) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Glossodia major (Wax Lip Orchid) at Cotter River, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by Ned_Johnston
Acrotriche serrulata (Ground-berry) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Pterostylis pedunculata (Maroonhood) at Cotter River, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by Ned_Johnston
Pterostylis nutans (Nodding Greenhood) at Cotter River, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by Ned_Johnston
Pterostylis pedunculata (Maroonhood) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Caladenia carnea (Pink Fingers) at Cotter River, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by Ned_Johnston
Carex inversa (Knob Sedge) at Majura, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by JaneR
Caladenia carnea (Pink Fingers) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Eucalyptus melliodora (Yellow Box) at Tuggeranong, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by michaelb
Omphacomeria acerba (Leafless Sour-bush) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Marrubium vulgare (Horehound) at Crowther, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Viola hederacea (Ivy-leaved Violet) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Pterostylis nutans (Nodding Greenhood) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Spergularia rubra (Sandspurrey) at Crowther, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Hibbertia ericifolia subsp. ericifolia (A Guinea Flower) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Elatine gratioloides (Waterwort) at Majura, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by JaneR
Calochilus sp. (A Beard Orchid) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Convolvulus angustissimus subsp. angustissimus (Australian Bindweed) at Murringo, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Xanthorrhoea glauca subsp. angustifolia (Grey Grass-tree) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Daviesia ulicifolia subsp. ruscifolia (Broad-leaved Gorse Bitter Pea) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Cassytha pubescens (Devil's Twine) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Choretrum pauciflorum (Dwarf Sour Bush) at Cotter River, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by Ned_Johnston
Acacia gunnii (Ploughshare Wattle) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Wurmbea dioica subsp. dioica (Early Nancy) at Murringo, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Tetratheca bauerifolia (Heath Pink-bells) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Stackhousia viminea (Slender Stackhousia) at Cotter River, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by Ned_Johnston
Stackhousia viminea (Slender Stackhousia) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Dichondra repens (Kidney Weed) at Blowering, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Hibbertia ericifolia subsp. ericifolia (A Guinea Flower) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Hibbertia ericifolia subsp. ericifolia (A Guinea Flower) at Cotter River, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by NedJohnston
Daucus glochidiatus (Australian Carrot) at Murringo, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Dillwynia phylicoides (A Parrot-pea) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Epilobium hirtigerum (Hairy Willowherb) at Murringo, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Leionema lamprophyllum subsp. obovatum (Shiny Phebalium) at Cotter River, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by Ned_Johnston
Exocarpos cupressiformis (Cherry Ballart) at Blowering, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Carex gaudichaudiana (Fen Sedge) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Salvia verbenaca var. verbenaca (Wild Sage) at Murringo, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Pomaderris angustifolia (Pomaderris) at Cotter River, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by Ned_Johnston
Pomaderris eriocephala (Woolly-head Pomaderris) at Cotter River, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by Ned_Johnston
Pomaderris eriocephala (Woolly-head Pomaderris) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Cassinia aculeata subsp. aculeata (Dolly Bush, Common Cassinia, Dogwood) at Blowering, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Wahlenbergia luteola (Yellowish Bluebell) at Murringo, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Micrantheum hexandrum (Box Micrantheum) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Micrantheum hexandrum (Box Micrantheum) at Cotter River, ACT - 7 Oct 2023 by Ned_Johnston
Platysace lanceolata (Shrubby Platysace) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Eucalyptus dives (Broad-leaved Peppermint) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Glycine clandestina (Twining Glycine) at Murringo, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Brachychiton populneus (Kurrajong) at Blowering, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Astrotricha ledifolia (Common Star-hair) at Namadgi National Park - 7 Oct 2023 by Tapirlord
Parietaria debilis (Forest Pellitory) at Murringo, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Anogramma leptophylla at Murringo, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston
Pellaea calidirupium (Hot Rock Fern) at Murringo, NSW - 7 Oct 2023 by trevorpreston

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2,163,770 sightings of 20,531 species in 6,689 locations from 11,857 contributors
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