Plant sightings


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Page 256 of 1119 - image sightings only

Melichrus urceolatus (Urn Heath) at Stromlo, ACT - 8 Sep 2023 by JimL
Leucopogon fletcheri subsp. brevisepalus (Twin Flower Beard-Heath) at Stromlo, ACT - 8 Sep 2023 by JimL
Cyanicula caerulea (Blue Fingers, Blue Fairies) at Stromlo, ACT - 8 Sep 2023 by JimL
Orobanche minor (Broomrape) at Fadden, ACT - 8 Sep 2023 by KumikoCallaway
Astroloma humifusum (Cranberry Heath) at Watson, ACT - 8 Sep 2023 by MAX
Prostanthera serpyllifolia subsp. microphylla (Small-leaved Mint-bush) at Rankins Springs, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Darcy
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Boorga, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Darcy
Acacia rigens (Needle Wattle) at Boorga, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Darcy
Olearia pimeleoides at Boorga, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Darcy
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Boorga, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Darcy
Lycium ferocissimum (African Boxthorn) at Watson, ACT - 8 Sep 2023 by waltraud
Acacia boormanii (Snowy River Wattle) at Isaacs, ACT - 8 Sep 2023 by Mike
Narcissus tazetta (Jonquil) at Isaacs, ACT - 8 Sep 2023 by Mike
Nassella trichotoma (Serrated Tussock) at Watson, ACT - 8 Sep 2023 by waltraud
Eremophila glabra (Tar Bush) at Rankins Springs, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Darcy
Acacia lineata (Streaked Wattle, Narrow Lined-leaved Acacia) at Rankins Springs, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Darcy
Luzula sp. (Woodrush) at Gundaroo, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Gunyijan
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Gundaroo, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Gunyijan
Microseris walteri (Yam Daisy, Murnong) at Gundaroo, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Gunyijan
Ludwigia palustris (Marsh Purslane) at Jugiong, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by JaneR
Ranunculus muricatus (Sharp Buttercup) at Jugiong, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by JaneR
Crassula decumbens var. decumbens (A Stonecrop) at Jugiong, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by JaneR
Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (Watercress) at Jugiong, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by JaneR
Euchiton sphaericus (Star Cudweed) at Jugiong, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by JaneR
Stachys arvensis (Stagger Weed) at Jugiong, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by JaneR
Myoporum montanum at Binya, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Darcy
Acacia deanei subsp. paucijuga (Green Wattle) at Yenda, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Darcy
Isotoma axillaris (Australian Harebell, Showy Isotome) at Yenda, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Darcy
Calotis cuneifolia (Purple Burr-daisy) at Yenda, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Darcy
Pandorea pandorana (Wonga Wonga Vine) at Yenda, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Darcy
Bulbine bulbosa (Golden Lily, Bulbine Lily) at Yenda, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Darcy
Acacia doratoxylon (Currawang) at Yenda, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Darcy
Acacia decora (Showy Wattle) at Binya, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Darcy
Indigofera australis subsp. australis (Australian Indigo) at Yenda, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by Darcy
Caladenia ustulata (Brown Caps) at Bango, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by AJB
Cyanicula caerulea (Blue Fingers, Blue Fairies) at Bango, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by AJB
Caladenia carnea (Pink Fingers) at Bango, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by AJB
Amyema congener subsp. congener (A Mistletoe) at Kembla Grange, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by plants
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Bango, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by AJB
Corysanthes incurva (Slaty Helmet Orchid) at Bango, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by AJB
Pterostylis nutans (Nodding Greenhood) at Bango, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by AJB
Dillwynia phylicoides (A Parrot-pea) at Bruce, ACT - 8 Sep 2023 by lyndallh
Corysanthes incurva (Slaty Helmet Orchid) at Bango, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by AJB
Acacia pravissima (Wedge-leaved Wattle, Ovens Wattle) at Adelong, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by JaneR
Grevillea rosmarinifolia subsp. rosmarinifolia (Rosemary Grevillea) at Adelong, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by JaneR
Glycine clandestina (Twining Glycine) at Adelong, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by JaneR
Acacia paradoxa (Kangaroo Thorn) at Adelong, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by JaneR
Diuris chryseopsis (Golden Moth) at Bango, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by AJB
Ludwigia palustris (Marsh Purslane) at Adelong, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by JaneR
Indigofera australis subsp. australis (Australian Indigo) at Paddys River, ACT - 8 Sep 2023 by JP95
Acacia melanoxylon (Blackwood) at Adelong, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by JaneR
Hardenbergia violacea (False Sarsaparilla) at Paddys River, ACT - 8 Sep 2023 by JP95
Ricinocarpos bowmanii (Western Wedding Bush) at Adelong, NSW - 8 Sep 2023 by JaneR
Leucopogon fletcheri subsp. brevisepalus (Twin Flower Beard-Heath) at Paddys River, ACT - 8 Sep 2023 by JP95
Clematis leptophylla (Small-leaf Clematis, Old Man's Beard) at Booth, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by JimL
Acacia melanoxylon (Blackwood) at Booth, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by JimL
Cyanicula caerulea (Blue Fingers, Blue Fairies) at Canberra Central, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by Harrisi
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Canberra Central, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by Harrisi
Acacia floribunda (White Sally Wattle, Gossamer Wattle) at Hackett, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by waltraud
Indigofera australis subsp. australis (Australian Indigo) at Isaacs, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by Mike
Cheilanthes distans (Bristly Cloak Fern) at Isaacs, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by Mike
Hedera sp. (helix or hibernica) (Ivy) at Majura, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by waltraud
Cyrtostylis reniformis (Common Gnat Orchid) at Aranda, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Ligustrum lucidum (Large-leaved Privet) at Majura, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by waltraud
Acacia floribunda (White Sally Wattle, Gossamer Wattle) at Majura, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by waltraud
Lonicera japonica (Japanese Honeysuckle) at Hackett, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by waltraud
Craspedia variabilis (Common Billy Buttons) at Hackett, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by waltraud
Diuris chryseopsis (Golden Moth) at Belconnen, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by CathB
Diuris chryseopsis (Golden Moth) at Belconnen, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by CathB
Hardenbergia violacea (False Sarsaparilla) at Cooma, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Melichrus urceolatus (Urn Heath) at Cooma, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Grevillea lanigera (Woolly Grevillea) at Cooma, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Acacia dealbata subsp. dealbata (Silver Wattle) at Cooma, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Bossiaea buxifolia (Matted Bossiaea) at Cooma, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Indigofera australis subsp. australis (Australian Indigo) at Cooma, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Leucopogon fletcheri subsp. brevisepalus (Twin Flower Beard-Heath) at Cooma, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Cryptandra amara (Bitter Cryptandra) at Cooma, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Acacia siculiformis (Dagger Wattle) at Numeralla, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Wurmbea dioica subsp. dioica (Early Nancy) at Tuggeranong, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by BronClarke
Hovea heterophylla (Common Hovea) at Numeralla, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Acacia gunnii (Ploughshare Wattle) at Numeralla, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Diuris chryseopsis (Golden Moth) at Tuggeranong, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by BronClarke
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at O'Connor, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by ConBoekel
Mirbelia oxylobioides (Mountain Mirbelia) at Numeralla, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Acacia rubida (Red-stemmed Wattle, Red-leaved Wattle) at Numeralla, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Leucopogon fletcheri subsp. brevisepalus (Twin Flower Beard-Heath) at Numeralla, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Acacia dealbata (Silver Wattle) at Numeralla, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Brachyloma daphnoides (Daphne Heath) at Numeralla, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Leucopogon attenuatus (Small-leaved Beard Heath) at Numeralla, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Melichrus urceolatus (Urn Heath) at Numeralla, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Chrysocephalum semipapposum (Clustered Everlasting) at Numeralla, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Acton, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by ConBoekel
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Acton, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by ConBoekel
Acacia dawsonii (Dawson's Wattle) at Numeralla, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Acton, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by ConBoekel
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Acton, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by ConBoekel
Hakea decurrens subsp. decurrens (Bushy Needlewood) at Bruce, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by lyndallh
Grevillea lanigera (Woolly Grevillea) at Numeralla, NSW - 7 Sep 2023 by trevorpreston
Wahlenbergia stricta subsp. stricta (Tall Bluebell) at O'Connor, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by ConBoekel
Juncus remotiflorus (Diffuse Rush) at Bruce, ACT - 7 Sep 2023 by lyndallh

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