
I'm a Canberran now living in Braidwood, NSW.  A member of COG, FOG, Mt Taylor ParkCare Group and Save the Murrumbidgee River Corridor Community Group, I'm a moderator for butterflies and birds.  Currently doing social media for NatureMapr, so please follow: | | and share your sightings and experiences to grow our NatureMapr community.   You can also follow me on Threads at:

Moderator categories

MatthewFrawley is a moderator for the following categories:

Birds  |  Birds of prey Cuckoos Nocturnal Birds Other Birds Honeyeater Intermediate size Magpie or larger Small (Robin, Finch, Thornbill etc) Parrots Pigeons and Doves Water birds Colonial nesters (Herons, Cormorants, etc) Other Waterbirds (Crakes, Grebes, Gulls and Terns) Sea Birds Shorebirds Waterfowl (Ducks, Geese, Swans)

Page 30 of 57 - image sightings only

Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray) at Isaacs, ACT - 17 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Trapezites phigalia (Heath Ochre) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Vanessa kershawi (Australian Painted Lady) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Glossodia major (Wax Lip Orchid) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Podargus strigoides (Tawny Frogmouth) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Arctotheca calendula (Capeweed, Cape Dandelion) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Hirschfeldia incana (Buchan Weed) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Anthochaera carunculata (Red Wattlebird) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Bulbine bulbosa (Golden Lily) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Macropus giganteus (Eastern Grey Kangaroo) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Carex appressa (Tall Sedge) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Echium plantagineum (Paterson's Curse) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Luzula densiflora (Dense Wood-rush) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Leptorhynchos squamatus (Scaly Buttons) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Asperula conferta (Common Woodruff) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Eucalyptus dives (Broad-leaved Peppermint) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Kunzea parvifolia (Violet Kunzea) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Hibbertia calycina (Lesser Guinea-flower) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Rubus parvifolius (Native Raspberry) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Geranium solanderi (Native Geranium) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Xerochrysum viscosum (Sticky Everlasting) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Harpobittacus australis (Hangingfly) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Bulbine glauca (Rock Lily) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Chelodina longicollis (Eastern Long-necked Turtle) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Schoenus apogon (Common Bog Sedge) at Kambah, ACT - 16 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Callocephalon fimbriatum (Gang-gang Cockatoo) at Yarralumla, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Macropus giganteus (Eastern Grey Kangaroo) at Yarralumla, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Belenois java (Caper White) at Yarralumla, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae (Silver Gull) at Yarralumla, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Caladenia ustulata (Brown Caps) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Usnea sp. (genus) (Bearded lichen) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Caladenia carnea (Pink Fingers) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Lepidosperma laterale (Variable Sword Sedge) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Xerochrysum viscosum (Sticky Everlasting) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Stypandra glauca (Nodding Blue Lily) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Indigofera australis subsp. australis (Australian Indigo) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Lampides boeticus (Long-tailed Pea-blue) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Hibbertia obtusifolia (Grey Guinea-flower) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Gaudium multicaule (Teatree) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Phalaenoides tristifica (Willow-herb Day-moth) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Pultenaea procumbens (Bush Pea) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Thysanotus patersonii (Twining Fringe Lily) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Caladenia ustulata (Brown Caps) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Philobota undescribed species near arabella (A concealer moth) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Paropsis variolosa (Variolosa leaf beetle) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Erina hyacinthina (Varied Dusky-blue) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Vanessa kershawi (Australian Painted Lady) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Brachyloma daphnoides (Daphne Heath) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Glycine clandestina (Twining Glycine) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Luzula densiflora (Dense Wood-rush) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Wurmbea dioica subsp. dioica (Early Nancy) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Glossodia major (Wax Lip Orchid) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Teloschistes sp. (genus) (A lichen) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Diuris semilunulata (Late Leopard Orchid) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Cyanicula caerulea (Blue Fingers, Blue Fairies) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Lentinus fasciatus (Hairy Trumpet) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 15 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Agrotis infusa (Bogong Moth, Common Cutworm) at Kambah, ACT - 11 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Callidemum hypochalceum (Hop-bush leaf beetle) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Acacia gunnii (Ploughshare Wattle) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Delias harpalyce (Imperial Jezebel) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Erina hyacinthina (Varied Dusky-blue) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Persoonia rigida (Hairy Geebung) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Leucopogon virgatus (Common Beard-heath) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Microseris walteri (Yam Daisy, Murnong) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Leptorhynchos squamatus (Scaly Buttons) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Macropus giganteus (Eastern Grey Kangaroo) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Hibbertia calycina (Lesser Guinea-flower) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Melangyna viridiceps (Hover fly) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Erina hyacinthina (Varied Dusky-blue) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Wurmbea dioica subsp. dioica (Early Nancy) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Indigofera australis subsp. australis (Australian Indigo) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Acacia buxifolia subsp. buxifolia (Box-leaf Wattle) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Stackhousia monogyna (Creamy Candles) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Persoonia rigida (Hairy Geebung) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Pimelea linifolia subsp. linifolia (Queen of the Bush, Slender Rice-flower) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Stylidium graminifolium (Grass Triggerplant) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Vanessa itea (Yellow Admiral) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Acacia genistifolia (Early Wattle) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Cyanicula caerulea (Blue Fingers, Blue Fairies) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Dillwynia phylicoides (A Parrot-pea) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Glossodia major (Wax Lip Orchid) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Gaudium multicaule (Teatree) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Diuris nigromontana (Black Mountain Leopard Orchid) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Lehtinelagia prasina (Leek-green flower spider) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Brachyloma daphnoides (Daphne Heath) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 8 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Kambah, ACT - 3 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Uraba lugens (Gumleaf Skeletonizer) at Kambah, ACT - 2 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Leptorhynchos squamatus (Scaly Buttons) at Kambah, ACT - 2 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Plantago varia (Native Plaintain) at Kambah, ACT - 2 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Pultenaea procumbens (Bush Pea) at Kambah, ACT - 2 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Araneus hamiltoni (Hamilton's Orb Weaver) at Hackett, ACT - 1 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Delias harpalyce (Imperial Jezebel) at Hackett, ACT - 1 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Pimelea linifolia (Slender Rice Flower) at Hackett, ACT - 1 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Vanessa kershawi (Australian Painted Lady) at Hackett, ACT - 1 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Stypandra glauca (Nodding Blue Lily) at Hackett, ACT - 1 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Microseris walteri (Yam Daisy, Murnong) at Hackett, ACT - 1 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Dillwynia sericea (Egg And Bacon Peas) at Hackett, ACT - 1 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Brachyloma daphnoides (Daphne Heath) at Hackett, ACT - 1 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley
Indigofera australis subsp. australis (Australian Indigo) at Hackett, ACT - 1 Oct 2022 by MatthewFrawley

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2,163,649 sightings of 20,532 species in 6,685 locations from 11,855 contributors
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